Thursday, October 27, 2011

5 Essentials To Developing and Maintaining A Passion for God


2)    A Committed (Devoted) Heart – based on our love and commitment to Christ


Society no longer values commitment, but we are called to be "peculiar" people…set apart from the world and to God.  That means we are God's holy people and we owe Him our full devotion.  Why should we be committed to God?  The relationship breaks down if there is no true commitment involved. Try having a successful marriage or friendship without a commitment to that relationship.  It doesn't work!  Communication breaks down.  Intimacy breaks down.  Trust breaks down, and in this case, worship breaks down. 

Worship is about doing life together with God!  Music and singing is only the icing on the is only a small part of the relationship.  If the only way you can have a relationship with God is on a platform with a microphone in your face and hundreds of people watching you - you don't have much of a relationship with God.  Sunday morning is only the overflow of what is already taking place in one's life of worship Monday - Saturday.  Worship is life!  Why?  Because worship is about God and He is our life!  Worship is about living in relationship with God Himself  It is about relationship, love, and intimacy with the Father.  Marriage is a metaphor for the church's relationship with the Father.  He is in us and we are in Him.  We become one flesh as it were as we live in a committed, consecrated, and devoted relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

We should daily commit our hearts to him as a true lover does because we love Him and because he loves us with an everlasting love and desires to withhold no good thing from us. 

Hosea 2:16  "In that day," declares the LORD, "you will call me 'my husband'...    As a bride we chose to forsake all others and devote ourselves to the bridegroom, Jesus Christ.  Let us continue to be devoted each day.   As we forsake all other gods - the more devoted we become to the true living God.  The more devoted we are to God the more passionate we are for His presence in our lives.  The more passionate we become for His presence in our lives the more meaningful our worship becomes.  The Bible says that God is searching to fully support those whose hearts are wholly committed (or devoted) to Him!  Search your heart to ensure that you are wholly committed to God.  As you do, rest assured that you have HIS promise to fully support you.  Be 100% committed to God in every area that He puts his finger upon.  If he tells you to put it down, to stop, to turn around, to make a different decision, to check that attitude, to guard your heart, to bounce your eyes, to surrender your tongue...whatever it it 100% with a fully made-up mind that you are going to fully commit and fully obey God in every area of your life.  As you do, God will bless you and fully support you!  Count on it!!

In Christ,

Pastor Chad

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