Thursday, August 8, 2013

This Week's Announcements! - August 4-11, 2013


CHOIR PRAYER NEEDS THIS WEEK:  From board and taken from the floor.
 CHOIR WARDROBE SCHEDULE:  Brown, Cream, and Tan this Sunday, August 11, 2013
 STAGE ETIQUETTE:  (FINAL MENTION)  No purses on seats  while singing / No beverages in sanctuary (only water bottles) / Give your respect and full attention to the pastor during the message / No web surfing, texting, or social networking on the platform / Get plenty of rest the night before – DO NOT FALL ASLEEP PLEASE! / Avoid any and all distracting actions / Do not leave the platform except in an emergency / Keep your voices quiet and low when leaving the platform until in the rehearsal room / Do not blow your nose or slam doors back stage.
FALL CHOIR ENROLLMENT BEGINS THIS SUNDAY: Please be in prayer and invite someone to join the choir this fall.  Enrollment will be open August 11-25.  
SUNDAY LINE-UP TIME:  Choir needs to line up in a timely manner (both service) by the 4-minute countdown mark.  Choir processional begins at the 2-minute mark.  Bill Underwood has been asked by PC to head this up, so please follow his direction on Sunday mornings. 
SUPPORT TEAM MEETING:  This Sunday, August 11th – 1:00-3:30pm.  2012-13 team members mark your calendars.
 PRAISE TEAM REMINDER:  (FINAL MENTION) All praise team members are requested to stay thru the end of second service on the Sunday they are scheduled to sing and also to sing on the following Wednesday night team.
DEDICATION SERVICE:  Sunday, August 25th .  Need all choir members here.  Please mark your calendars for this historic day in the life of South Metro Ministries. The choir will sing “This Is Your House” and “Not Unto Us”. 
AUDITIONS:  If you would like to audition for the solo on “Lion of Judah” please sign up on bulletin board in hallway.  Auditions will be held next Wednesday.

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