Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Rewards of Holiness by C. Spurgeon

"All the days of his separation shall he eat nothing that is made of the vine tree, from the kernels even to the husk." / Numbers 6:4

Nazarites had taken, among other vows, one which debarred them from the use of wine. In order that they might not violate the obligation, they were forbidden to drink the vinegar of wine or strong liquors, and to make the rule still more clear, they were not to touch the unfermented juice of grapes, nor even to eat the fruit either fresh or dried. In order, altogether, to secure the integrity of the vow, they were not even allowed anything that had to do with the vine; they were, in fact, to avoid the appearance of evil. Surely this is a lesson to the Lord's separated ones, teaching them to come away from sin in every form, to avoid not merely its grosser shapes, but even its spirit and
similitude. Strict walking is much despised in these days, but rest assured, dear reader, it is both the safest and the happiest. He who yields a point or two to the world is in fearful peril; he who eats the grapes of Sodom will soon drink the wine of Gomorrah. A little crevice in the sea-bank in Holland lets in the sea, and the gap speedily swells till a province is drowned.  Worldly conformity, in any degree, is a snare to the soul, and makes it more and more liable to presumptuous sins. Moreover, as the Nazarite who drank grape juice could not be quite sure whether it might not have endured a degree of fermentation, and consequently could not be clear in heart that his vow was intact, so the yielding, temporizing Christian cannot wear a conscience void of offense, but must feel that the inward monitor is in doubt of him. Things doubtful we need not doubt about; they are wrong to us. Things tempting we must not dally with, but flee from them with speed. Better be sneered at as a Puritan than be despised as a hypocrite. Careful walking may involve much self-denial, but it has pleasures of its own which are more than a sufficient recompense. 

Let us continually pursue holiness without which no man shall see God. (Heb. 12:14)

Monday, August 26, 2013

He Will Never Let You Go by Max Lucado

The Lord said to [Hosea] again, "Go, show your love to a woman loved by someone else, who has been unfaithful to you." – Hosea 3:1

God will not let you go. He has handcuffed himself to you in love. And he owns the only key. You need not win his love. You already have it. And since you can't win it, you can't lose it.

As evidence, consider exhibit A: the stubborn love of Hosea for Gomer. Contrary to the name, Gomer was a female, an irascible woman married to a remarkable Hosea. She had the fidelity code of a prairie jackrabbit, flirting and hopping from one lover to another. She ruined her life and shattered Hosea's heart. Destitute, she was placed for sale in a slave market. Guess who stepped forward to buy her? Hosea, who'd never removed his wedding band. The way he treated her you would have thought she'd never loved another man. God uses this story, indeed orchestrated this drama, to illustrate his steadfast love for his fickle people.

Then God ordered [Hosea], "Start all over: Love your wife again, your wife who's in bed with her latest boyfriend, your cheating wife. Love her the way I, God, love the Israelite people, even as they flirt and party with every god that takes their fancy." (Hosea 3:1 MSG)

This is the love described in John 3:16. Hasaq is replaced with the Greek term agape, but the meaning is equally powerful. "God so [agapao] the world ... "

Agape love. Less an affection, more a decision; less a feeling, more an action. As one linguist describes, "[Agape love is] an exercise of the Divine will in deliberate choice, made without assignable cause save that which lies in the nature of God Himself."

Stated more simply: junkyard wrecks and showroom models share equal space in God's garage.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

A Wonderful Dedication Celebration! August 25, 2013

Special thanks to all who made today's Dedication and Celebration service possible. To God be the glory for great things He has done!!!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Saved to Worship by A.W. Tozer

Give to the Lord the glory due His name; bring an offering, and come before Him. Oh, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness!—1 Chronicles 16:29 

 There is nothing intrinsically wrong with signing a card when people come to Christ. It can be a helpful thing so we know who has made inquiry.

But really, my brother or sister, we are brought to God and to faith and to salvation that we might worship and adore Him. We do not come to God that we might be automatic Christians, cookie-cutter Christians, Christians stamped out with a die.

God has provided His salvation that we might be, individually and personally,vibrant children of God, loving God with all our hearts and worshiping Him in the beauty of holiness. 

"Lord, I don't need another name in my file, another notch on my belt. But I would like the privilege today of bringing someone to the point of salvation so he could become a genuine worshiper of You. Use me today, I pray, in Jesus'name. Amen." 

Monday, August 19, 2013

A Healthy Regret by Max Lucado

There is an old story about the time Emperor Frederick the Great visited Potsdam Prison. He spoke with the prisoners, and each man claimed to be innocent, a victim of the system. One man, however, sat silently in the corner. The ruler asked him, "And you, sir, who do you blame for your sentence?" His response was, "Your majesty, I am guilty and richly deserve my punishment." Surprised, the emperor shouted for the prison warden: "Come and get this man out of here before he corrupts all these innocent people." The ruler can set us free once we admit we are wrong. We do ourselves no favors in justifying our deeds or glossing over our sins. When my daughter Andrea was five or six, she got a splinter in her finger. I took her to the restroom and set out some tweezers, ointment, and a Band-Aid. She didn't like what she saw. "I just want the Band-Aid, Daddy" Sometimes we are just like Andrea. We come to Christ with our sin, but all we want is a covering. We want to skip the treatment. We want to hide our sin. And one wonders if God, even in his great mercy, will heal what we conceal. "If we say we have no sin, we are fooling ourselves, and the truth is not in us. But if we confess our sins, he will forgive our sins, because we can trust God to do what is right" (1 John 1:8–9). Going to God is not going to Santa Claus. A child sits on the chubby lap of Ol' Saint Nick, and Santa pinches the youngster's cheek and asks, "Have you been a good little girl?" "Yes," she giggles. Then she tells him what she wants and down she bounds. It's a game. It's childish. No one takes Santa's question seriously. That may work in a department store, but it won't work with God. How can God heal what we deny? How can God touch what we cover up? How can we have communion while we keep secrets? How can God grant us pardon when we won't admit our guilt? Ahh, there's that word: guilt. Isn't that what we avoid? Guilt. Isn't that what we detest? But is guilt so bad? What does guilt imply if not that we know right from wrong, that we aspire to be better than we are, that we know there is a high country and we are in the low country. That's what guilt is: a healthy regret for telling God one thing and doing another. Guilt is the nerve ending of the heart. It yanks us back when we are too near the fire. Godly sorrow "makes people change their hearts and lives. This leads to salvation, and you cannot be sorry for that" (2 Cor. 7:10). To feel guilt is no tragedy; to feel no guilt is.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Transformational Worship

By Pastor Chad A. Stafford
 In Worship and Witness by David Wheeler and Vernon Whaley, they state that worship is transformational. [1] They argue that “God uses our obedience, repentance, spiritual growth, and relationship with Him to transform us.” [2]  They say further that “one way we experience transformation is through obedience to the Holy Spirit’s direction.” [3]  I too believe that God transforms the worshiper through obedience. King David equated obedience as the highest form of worship. “When our hearts remain attentive to the Spirit’s transformational work, we can experience transformational worship and display the Spirit’s work to the world.” [4] A great example of this can be found in Acts 1 and 2 at Pentecost when the disciples’ tarried in Jerusalem for the fulfilled promise.  Their obedience to the command of Christ was an act of worship that placed them in a position to receive the promise of the Spirit’s power. 

“Sin robs us of our ability to be Great Commission worshippers.” [5] The Bible teaches that sin is enmity to God and thus separates us from Him.  The word enmity literally means to be hostile or opposed to God.  Living a life that is hostile to God is obviously incongruous and antithetical to a life of loving worship and devoted obedience.  It simply is not possible to please God with a divided heart.  Our sin must first be dealt with if we want to commune with our God who is holy. Think Isaiah in Isaiah chapter 6.  Our sin must be remitted or taken away as Isaiah’s was. [6] This happens when our spiritual eyes are opened to behold His glorious splendor and we recognize His true holiness in light of our sinful depravity.  Once we have been enlightened by the Truth, conviction comes to us by the Holy Spirit and we are given an opportunity to repent and be set free.  Repentance involves a change of mind AND direction which leads to life transformation, or transformational worship as the authors’ call it.  In Isaiah 6, God initiates Isaiah’s vision, cleansing, pardon, and calling – and so it is with us.  God initiates the redemptive act and we are saved by grace as we respond in faith, confession, and repentance.  God always takes the initiative in restoring the broken relationship between God and man.  Our humble acknowledgment and repentance from sin leads to transformation and readiness for service.

The authors’ describe spiritual growth as a result of transformational worship.  Just as a flower naturally grows from a seed in the ground or a baby eventually grows to become a toddler, a child, a teenager, and eventually a full grown adult, spiritual growth naturally occurs over time in the life of the healthy believer who is walking with God in obedience to his Word. So, if you are struggling with obedience - don't give up.  He who began a good work in you is faithful to complete it, but you also must cooperate with that work of obedience by renouncing sin in your life. This turning from sin and obedience to God’s Word leads to spiritual growth AND transformational worship!  David said in Psalm 1 that the righteous ones who meditate upon God’s Word day and night would be like trees planted by living waters that never stop bearing fruit in its season and whose leaf does not wither.  Jesus also said in John 15 that as we abide in Him multiplication will naturally occur.  Jesus calls us to not only to bear fruit but to bear much fruit.  However, apart from Him we can do nothing!  Therefore, I would argue that Christ-connectedness and dependency upon Him is the key to personal spiritual growth and transformational worship. 

In other words, we need to see transformational worship and spiritual growth as the natural and eventual outflow of a healthy and abiding relationship with Christ. The authors correctly argue in Worship and Witness that God “greatly desires an active and personal relationship with His children.” [7] How did God demonstrate this to us?  By giving His only Son to die in our place while we were still in our sins. [8] What further proof do we need to be convinced of God's love and desire for a restored relationship with mankind?  In John 15 we see that our connection to Christ involves intimacy, communion with, and dependency upon Christ.  Jesus said in verse 4, “Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.” [9] 

Finally, we were created for relationship with God AND others which is why Jesus said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” [10] God desires a love relationship with his children.  In Christ, we are no longer strangers but sons and daughters of our Abba Father.  Living in an intimate love relationship with Jesus Christ wipes away all fear. Fear involves punishment but we have been made friends of God brought near by the blood of Christ.  We have access through Christ to the God who is love and perfect love casts out all fear.  The authors relate our relationship with God to a marriage relationship where a man and woman dedicate themselves to loving and knowing one another intimately.  Building a love relationship takes time, even with our Heavenly Father.  We come to know Him better as we abide in close relationship with Christ who is the image of God.  This is a relationship where love, devotion, communication, and trust can flourish because it is built upon mutual affection, trust, and commitment. As stated earlier, God uses our obedience, repentance, spiritual growth, and relationship with Him to transform us.  Like the metamorphosis of a caterpillar to a butterfly we too are transformed and conformed to the image of Christ through intimate relationship with Him which is the highest purpose of transformational worship. Let us daily aspire to this abiding relationship so that we may experience His transforming power in our own lives!

Mega transformational blessings to you in Christ!!

[1] David Wheeler & Vernon M. Whaley, Worship and Witness: Becoming a Great Commission Worshiper, (Nashville, TN: Lifeway Publishing, 2012), page 38.
[2] Ibid., 61.
[3] Ibid., 41.
[4] Ibid., 40.
[5] Ibid., 45.
[6] Ibid., 42-43.
[7] Ibid., 56.
[8] John 3:16 & Romans 5:8
[9] John 15:4
[10] Matthew 22:37-40

Saturday, August 10, 2013

48 Choir Robes for Sale on Craigslist!!

Only 48 Robes Left - $480 for the entire set ... 
Excellent Condition!
Purchase individually or as a set @ only $10 p/ robe.

Check out at Craigslist for much more detail.  If you know a church that needs choir robes please pass this link along to them and tell them to give the church a call.


Click here:

Friday, August 9, 2013

7 Easy Steps to Choir Membership!

Hymn Story: At Calvary (circa late 1890's) By William Newell

William Newell was a noted evangelist, Bible teacher, and superintendent of the Moody Bible Institute in the late 1890’s. One day on his way to teach a class he began to meditate on the suffering of Christ and what Calvary meant to him as someone who was once a lost sinner. William Newell became overwhelmed with the thought and stopped into an empty classroom and penned the words to this song, “At Calvary”.

Do you ever stop to think about the high price that Christ paid for your sin? Calvary means “the place of the skull”. It is amazingly ironic that such a place of intense pain and immense sorrow for our Lord could bring you and me such joy and freedom.

As we sing, At Calvary this Sunday morning, let’s give our attention once again to the wondrous grace and mercy that Christ demonstrated through his death on the cross. In this song we exalt our Lord for conquering sin and death and for being our Redeemer. We praise Him for bridging the mighty gulf between God and man through His atoning sacrifice upon the cross.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

NEW SONG THIS WEEK! "Whom Shall I Fear (God of Angel Armies)" by Chris Tomlin, Ed Cash, Scott Cash

(Please listen and learn for Sunday, August 11th)

Verse 1

You hear me when I call
You are my morning song
Though darkness fills the night
It cannot hide the light
Whom shall I fear
You crush the enemy underneath my feet
You are my sword and shield
Though troubles linger still
Whom shall I fear

Chorus 1

I know Who goes before me
I know Who stands behind
The God of angel armies is always by my side
The One who reigns forever
He is a friend of mine
The God of angel armies is always by my side

Verse 2

My strength is in Your name
For You alone can save
You will deliver me
Yours is the victory
Whom shall I fear
Whom shall I fear
(Whom shall I fear)

Misc 1

(And) nothing formed against me shall stand
You hold the whole world in Your hands
I'm holding on to Your promises
You are faithful
You are faithful
CCLI Song # 6440288
CCLI License # 383283

This Week's Announcements! - August 4-11, 2013


CHOIR PRAYER NEEDS THIS WEEK:  From board and taken from the floor.
 CHOIR WARDROBE SCHEDULE:  Brown, Cream, and Tan this Sunday, August 11, 2013
 STAGE ETIQUETTE:  (FINAL MENTION)  No purses on seats  while singing / No beverages in sanctuary (only water bottles) / Give your respect and full attention to the pastor during the message / No web surfing, texting, or social networking on the platform / Get plenty of rest the night before – DO NOT FALL ASLEEP PLEASE! / Avoid any and all distracting actions / Do not leave the platform except in an emergency / Keep your voices quiet and low when leaving the platform until in the rehearsal room / Do not blow your nose or slam doors back stage.
FALL CHOIR ENROLLMENT BEGINS THIS SUNDAY: Please be in prayer and invite someone to join the choir this fall.  Enrollment will be open August 11-25.  
SUNDAY LINE-UP TIME:  Choir needs to line up in a timely manner (both service) by the 4-minute countdown mark.  Choir processional begins at the 2-minute mark.  Bill Underwood has been asked by PC to head this up, so please follow his direction on Sunday mornings. 
SUPPORT TEAM MEETING:  This Sunday, August 11th – 1:00-3:30pm.  2012-13 team members mark your calendars.
 PRAISE TEAM REMINDER:  (FINAL MENTION) All praise team members are requested to stay thru the end of second service on the Sunday they are scheduled to sing and also to sing on the following Wednesday night team.
DEDICATION SERVICE:  Sunday, August 25th .  Need all choir members here.  Please mark your calendars for this historic day in the life of South Metro Ministries. The choir will sing “This Is Your House” and “Not Unto Us”. 
AUDITIONS:  If you would like to audition for the solo on “Lion of Judah” please sign up on bulletin board in hallway.  Auditions will be held next Wednesday.

All Things Are Possible to Him That Believes! By Charles H. Spurgeon

"All things are possible to him that believeth." / Mark 9:23 

Many professed Christians are always doubting and fearing, and they forlornly
think that this is the necessary state of believers. This is a mistake, for
"all things are possible to him that believeth"; and it is possible for us to
mount into a state in which a doubt or a fear shall be but as a bird of
passage flitting across the soul, but never lingering there. When you read of
the high and sweet communions enjoyed by favoured saints, you sigh and murmur
in the chamber of your heart, "Alas! these are not for me." O climber, if thou
hast but faith, thou shalt yet stand upon the sunny pinnacle of the temple,
for "all things are possible to him that believeth." You hear of exploits
which holy men have done for Jesus; what they have enjoyed of him; how much
they have been like him; how they have been able to endure great persecutions
for his sake; and you say, "Ah! as for me, I am but a worm; I can never attain
to this." But there is nothing which one saint was, that you may not be. There
is no elevation of grace, no attainment of spirituality, no clearness of
assurance, no post of duty, which is not open to you if you have but the power
to believe. Lay aside your sackcloth and ashes, and rise to the dignity of
your true position; you are little in Israel because you will be so, not
because there is any necessity for it. It is not meet that thou shouldst
grovel in the dust, O child of a King. Ascend! The golden throne of assurance
is waiting for you! The crown of communion with Jesus is ready to bedeck your
brow. Wrap yourself in scarlet and fine linen, and fare sumptuously every day;
for if thou believest, thou mayst eat the fat of kidneys of wheat; thy land
shall flow with milk and honey, and thy soul shall be satisfied as with marrow
and fatness. Gather golden sheaves of grace, for they await thee in the fields
of faith. "All things are possible to him that believeth." 

Be Seated in Heavenly Places: Living Up To Our Privilege!

He raises the poor from the dust
    and lifts the needy from the ash heap;
he seats them with princes,
    with the princes of his people.
Praise the Lord.

"That he may set him with princes." / Psalm 113:8

To Live Up to Our Privilege 
We Must Understand Our Status in Christ

By Pastor Chad A. Stafford

1. We have spiritual privilege of the highest order.  We have been seated in heavenly realms with Christ as royal princes of God.

He raises the poor from the dust and seats them with princes!  As sinners we were of low estate, overlooked, common, helpless, poor, and lying in dishonorable dust…UNTIL!  God not only looked upon us in our low estate – he stooped down from heaven and lifted us up. (Ps. 113:6-8) Not only that, but He lifted us up out of our poverty and barrenness to be seated in heavenly realms as princes with Christ Himself.  God delights in taking the ordinary and common and doing extraordinary and uncommon things in and through our lives. It is to His glory to use the weak things rather than the strong because His strength is made perfect in weakness. Gideon was a field worker but called by God a mighty man of valor.  Joseph was lifted from prison to the status of a Prince.  David was chosen while a humble shepherd boy.  Isaiah was exalted to national prominence as a mighty prophet once he confessed his sin against God.  The disciples were common fishermen and called to the highest rank in God's kingdom to walk as disciples of the Messiah and to establish the church of Jesus Christ on the earth.  God delights in taking the foolish things of the world to confound the knowledge of the wise.  That's why he chose you and me!
2. As a result of our high position, we have fellowship with the Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
3. As Princes, we have been chosen by God and our names are written in heaven.
1 Peter 2:9 (NIV)  But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

The word "church" (ecclesia) simply means "called out ones".  We have been called and separated by God from the world to live as a special people for His glory and praise.  Therefore, he has lifted us up and set us with princes.  We are no longer common, but we are set apart from the world.  We have been seated as a holy nation and royal priesthood with Him whose royal kingdom rule and reign will never end! (Isaiah 9:7)

4. As Princes and saints, we have courtly access to the Most High God.  Not only in the life to come – but also in this life.  Princes have admittance to the courts of Royalty whereas the common people must stand afar off. 
In the summer of 1993 while doing some shopping at a street market in Sofia, Bulgaria I began to hear the chimes of the Orthodox Synagogue ringing through-out the city square.  I noticed there was a large and excited crowd across from the synagogue chanting and holding signs.  I asked one of the merchants what was happening and they said the King of Spain and the President of Bulgaria were inside for a ceremony and preparing to exit, hence the ringing of the bells.  At this point, I was fixated on the scene which seemed like something out of a movie.  As the King and President and their entourage began to exit and descend the large outdoor staircase from the synagogue to the street below the crowd erupted in effusive praise.  Thousands were in attendance to experience the pomp and splendor and get a rare glimpse of royalty.  Some of my college friends failed to appreciate the "big deal" but a local told us that many Bulgarians have never seen their President or the King of Spain so it was a tremendous privilege for them.  
Although the people clearly were able to get a glimpse of royalty that day, it did not escape my attention that they were across the street and not allowed to enter the synagogue.  This privilege was only extended to those of the royal and presidential inner circle.  As I was writing for this blog article I was reminded that unlike the Bulgarian commoners we have been granted free and unlimited access to the courts of heaven by the blood of a new and living covenant made possible by Him who is called the King of kings!  Hebrews 10:19-23 describes our privilege in this way:
19 So, my friends, Jesus by His blood gives us courage to enter the most holy place. 20 He has created for us a new and living way through the curtain, that is, through His flesh. 21 Since we have a great High Priest who presides over the house of God, 22 let us draw near with true hearts full of faith, with hearts rinsed clean of any evil conscience, and with bodies cleansed with pure water. 23 Let us hold strong to the confession of our hope, never wavering, since the One who promised it to us is faithful. 

5.  As Princes, we have access to abundant wealth!
The abundance of earthly princes cannot compare with the riches God has given to us in Christ our Lord.  Every spiritual blessing has been granted to us from God and comes down from the Father of Lights of which there is no variation or even shadow of turning.  The Apostle Paul said that God has given us everything pertaining to life and godliness! (2 Peter 1:3)  Paul  reminds the Christians at Corinth that “all things are yours.”  (1 Cor. 3:22-23)  In Romans 8:32, he states that "He who spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall He not with him also freely give us all things?"  

First, we must understand that "we are heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ" (Romans 8:17) which means we have access to the abundance of every heavenly blessing in Christ which includes status, position, honor, privileged fellowship, riches, and influence. Second, as children of a heavenly kingdom,in order to live up to our privilege we must learn to enjoy and possess the rich heritage that belongs to us as heirs of God. What are these rich blessings?
  • ·      We have been justified and made acceptable to God – Romans 5:1
  • ·      We have been adopted into God’s royal family – Romans 8:16-17
  • ·      We have been given a citizenship in heaven – Philippians 3:20
  • ·      We have been placed into the kingdom of the Son of God’s love – Colossians 1:13
  • ·      We have the promise that the best is yet to come – a heavenly home – 1 Corinthians 2:9

 6.  A Prince of heaven has great influence. 
Charles H. Spurgeon wrote, “He wields a scepter in his own domain; he sits upon Jesus' throne, for "He hath made us kings and priests unto God, and we shall reign forever and ever." (Rev. 1:6)  
We are chosen as a royal priesthood and special (peculiar) people to "show forth His praise" who has called us out of darkness into his marvelous light.  (1 Pet. 2:9)  As worshipers of the Most High God we are called to wield the scepter of praise and establish His domain wherever we go.  We have godly influence and we should use it to glorify God in the earth.
7.  Princes have special honor.
Ephesians 2:1-10 contrasts our old lowly life of dishonor with our new honorable life of privilege high position in Christ.
 As for you, don’t you remember how you used to just exist? Corpses,dead in life, buried by transgressions, wandering the course of this perverse world. You were the offspring of the prince of the power of air—oh, how he owned you, just as he still controls those living in disobedience. I’m not talking about the outsiders alone; we were all guilty of falling headlong for the persuasive passions of this world; we all have had our fill of indulging the flesh and mind, obeying impulses to follow perverse thoughts motivated by dark powers. As a result, our natural inclinations led us to be children of wrath, just like the rest of humankind.
But God, with the unfathomable richness of His love and mercy focused on us, united us with the Anointed One and infused our lifeless souls with life—even though we were buried under mountains of sin—and saved us by His grace. He raised us up with Him and seated us in the heavenly realms with our beloved Jesus the Anointed, the Liberating King. He did this for a reason: so that for all eternity we will stand as a living testimony to the incredible riches of His grace and kindness that He freely gives to us by uniting us with Jesus the Anointed. 8-9 For it’s by God’s grace that you have been saved. You receive it through faith. It was not our plan or our effort. It is God’s gift, pure and simple. You didn’t earn it, not one of us did, so don’t go around bragging that you must have done something amazing. 10 For we are the product of His hand, heaven’s poetry etched on lives, created in the Anointed,  Jesus, to accomplish the good works God arranged long ago. (The Voice)

Spurgeon wrote,
"We may look down upon all earth-born dignity from the eminence upon which grace has placed us. For what is human grandeur to this, "He hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus"? We share the honor of Christ, and compared with this, earthly splendors are not worth a thought. Communion with Jesus is a richer gem than ever glittered in imperial diadem. Union with the Lord is a coronet of beauty outshining all the blaze of imperial pomp." 

Revelation 5:10 / (The Voice) emphatically and prophetically declares,You have made them a kingdom; You have appointed them priests to serve our God, and they[will rule upon the earth."

The Apostle Paul in Romans 8:15-18 / (The Voice) states:
15 You see, you have not received a spirit that returns you to slavery, so you have nothing to fear. The Spirit you have received adopts you and welcomes you into God’s own family. That’s why we call out to Him, “Abba! Father!” as we would address a loving daddy. 16 Through that prayer, God’s Spirit confirms in our spirits that we are His children. 17 If we are God’s children, that means we are His heirs along with the Anointed, set to inherit everything that is His

Whether you are great or small in God’s kingdom, you are still God’s child.  An infant is as truly a child of its parents as is a full-grown person.  You are as dear to your heavenly Father as the most prominent member in His family.  

Believe it! Receive it! Live it! Celebrate it!!! 

1) Understand your privilege in Christ.  2) Accept and receive your privilege in Christ. 3) Live up to your privilege in Christ!  4) Celebrate your privilege in Christ!  Stop living beneath your privilege and below that to which God has clearly called you. Who has hindered you?  Who has told you were not good enough and that you have to earn God's favor?  Ever heard of "GRACE"?  It is freely yours when you put your faith in Christ as the Son of God. (John 3:16)  Grace is the gift of God's unmerited favor and not of works lest any man take the credit. You have been seated in heavenly realms in Christ Jesus by His grace through faith! Whose report will you believe? The gospel is "good news"!  Will you believe the report of the Lord?  The angels heralded the birth of Jesus the Messiah with the "Gloria in Excelsis Deo" and tidings of comfort and great joy!  As you trust in Christ and His redemptive work upon the cross you will know and experience the truth about your status and the truth shall set you free from low-living. (John 8:32)

As those who now enjoy a higher standard of living we are set apart from the commoners of this sinful world.  We are called heavenward that we may no longer live like dust dwellers. He lifts us up from the dust and ash heap and seats us with princes!  We are now to live up to our calling as people of privilege, honor, and position in Christ.  We have been seated with royal cloud of witnesses such as Abraham, King David, Moses, Joshua, Elijah, Joseph, Jeremiah, Esther, John the Baptist, Mary, Peter, the Apostle Paul, Justin Martyr, Augustine, Martin Luther, George Whitefiled, John Wesley, and legion more. We have been raised to the same status in Christ. Since we are surrounded by such a cloud of witnesses and we too are called to heavenly realms in Christ, let us look to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.  As we place our trust in Christ alone He will empower us to live above the temptations of this world.

The struggle many Christians endure with sinful addictions and feelings of condemnation comes in part as a result of not understanding that they have truly been called out and set apart from the common sinner. Instead they have been cleansed, robed, been adopted as sons and daughters of the Most High, and seated together with Christ in heavenly realms. Whether we are just not walking in close fellowship with God or we are simply trusting in our own good works to make us acceptable to God the struggle to "be seated" and feel accepted is often due to not fully understanding the gospel and God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ.  However, when we do understand this truth of Psalm 113:8 and Ephesians 2:6 we are then freed, empowered, and motivated to live out our chosenness rather than trying to earn or achieve this heavenly status through our own efforts.  We do not have to achieve a status we have already been freely given by God.  Although we struggle at times with the flesh we are still called saints by the Apostle Paul which does not mean we are perfect.  To be a saint simply means we are "set apart" by God for His glorious purposes. As saints we choose to obey and live in righteousness because of our chosen status - not in order to earn our chosen status. In other words, we live in worship and obedience to God not because we have to, but because we want to.  People who have a hard time receiving God's free gift of grace and their status as saints is often because they have lived much of their Christian lives under the Law and not under grace feeling that they still have to earn God's favor.  Paul calls this a "yoke to slavery and of bondage again to fear", but there is no fear in love.  

The biblical truth is that we are indeed seated with Christ in heavenly places but the choice is ours to believe, receive, live, and celebrate this reality.  God's desire for us is that we will choose to believe, receive, and live out our chosen status in Christ. This position we have been given in Christ is not to live in sin, but to live in victory over sin. This can only be accomplished as we trust in the sacrificial atonement of Christ's blood for our sins, as we continually abide in Christ (John 15), and as we receive the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit.  We do not access this privileged life by the way of Christ + something else. Christ IS the Way, the Truth, and the Life and no man comes to the Father but by Him!  "On Christ the Solid Rock I stand - All other ground is sinking sand" must always be our song!  

Psalm 113 reminds us that God alone is the One who lifts the poor and the needy out of the dust of their filthy and barren lives.  He alone raises them up (Eph. 2:6), sets them apart, and seats them together with princes. That's a powerful and awe-inspiring thought!  That God chose us as paupers to be raised up to be seated with princes! As believers and children of the "Most High" God, we have been CALLED OUT and RAISED UP to LIVE OUT our HIGH CALLING in CHRIST! (Phil. 3:14)  

Believe it ... receive it ... live it ... and celebrate it!!!