Monday, August 20, 2012

New Voices of Praise Logo!

This past Spring 2012 the sanctuary choir elected to change its name to "Voices of Praise" to which we have followed with the development of a choir logo.  Here is the attractive new logo along with the symbolic meaning behind the gold crown of praise.


The theme and spirit of this logo is very simply "Jesus, We Crown You With Praise"!!!

The Voices of Praise logo represents...

1) Presence of God 
2) Purity and Holiness
3) Unified Purpose
4) Prayer and Kingdom Authority
5) Power of God
6) Glorious Praise

1) PRESENCE:  This year's (2012) new Voices of Praise logo (was originally designed in 2004) speaks to the importance of a new chapter and new beginning in the life and ministry of the Voices of Praise.  It speaks that unified praise and worship is the purpose and power of our ministry.  Why the power behind our ministry?  Because the power of God is where the Presence of God is and the Presence of God is where the Praise of God is!  As a praise and worship choir, our hearts are to be set apart for God's glory and our spiritual unity combined with our sincere and anointed praise and worship invites the AWESOME presence of God!

2) PURITY:  The color gold speaks of the purity and beauty of the holiness of God and the kind of worship he desires from those who worship Him in Spirit and in truth.  Hence, "Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness" (Ps. 29:2; 96:9).  This speaks to the fact that God calls us as worshippers to be  (1 Pet. 2:9) “a holy priesthood…to show forth the praises of Him who has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light.”  Malachi 3:3 indicates that God is particular about the kind of worship he receives from the leaders of worship (Levites):  "He will sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver. He will purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver that they may offer to the Lord an offering in righteousness."  We are indeed called to “worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness”.  

3) PURPOSE:  In a word..."UNITY" OR "ONENESS".  The three joined-together figures represent the Holy Trinity and the perfect spiritual unity that they share.  Notice that the crown and the united worshippers are inseparable and almost indistinguishable from one another.  These three distinct persons, they are joined together in glorifying God and in accomplishing His unified kingdom purposes throughout all of creation.  Hence, the Triune God-head is the supreme model for unity within the Body of Christ -- therefore, you and me! (John 17:21-22)   Jesus prayed that we would be ONE that the world may come to know that the Father and the Son are One.  We are separate and uniquely distinctive from each other yet perfectly joined together with a common purpose.  The three figures also symbolically represent united voices perfectly joined together in uplifted praise to the Father!  

4) PRAYER:  The three figures join together to make a 'crown'.  The crown speaks of power, rule, authority, and kingdom advancement.  Hence, let our ministry prayer be "Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed by Thy name; Thy kingdom come and Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."  The crown speaks of our sincere conviction that God has anointed and appointed us to be His praise ambassadors (royalty, i.e., "royal priesthood" that shows forth His praise) and to minister under His authority and His power both at home and outside the four walls of the church and even around the world!  The crown of glory speaks of our sincere prayer that God’s kingdom would come and be established in and through our united ministry of worship wherever the Lord sends us out to minister.  Apart from His presence and anointing we can do nothing of any kingdom value…but through Christ we can do all things!   

5) POWER:  In scripture, the power of God is closely associated with the glory of God.  Therefore, the crown also symbolizes the glory of God that comes down through sincere praise and worship to set captives free -- that is to save, sanctify, heal, and deliver those held in bondage or captivity to their sin or circumstances.  God inhabits the praises of (Zion) His people.  The crown of glory, therefore, symbolizes God coming down in the midst of our praise to make for himself a resting place.  2 Chronicles 6:41 declares, "Now arise, Lord God, and come to your resting place, you and the ark of your 'might'.  May your 'priests', LORD God, be clothed with 'salvation', may your faithful people rejoice in your goodness." We believe that as we praise and worship the Father, lifting up His Son Jesus Christ, He inhabits our praises, draws men unto Him pouring out His Spirit, healing the sick, setting captives free, releasing the prisoner from darkness, and placing a garment of praise upon those with a spirit of heaviness.  

6) PRAISE: Finally, the choir ministry logo speaks to the fact that the Voices of Praise has been called to make His praise glorious!  Our God is worthy of the highest praise.  The most common word for praise in the Old Testament is “hallal” which means to shine, make a boast, revel, dance, and to clamor foolishly before the Lord.  The choir is a ministry of His presence that is called to shine (hallal), declare, and show forth the praises of Him who has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light!  We desire to show forth (or shine) His glory, to make His praise glorious, and to sing the glory of His Name!  Hallel 'u' Yah!  

Jesus, we crown You with praise!  This is the symbolic meaning of the Voices of Praise ministry logo.

Pastor Chad Stafford, August 20, 2012

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