Tuesday, November 15, 2011

5 Essentials to Intimacy With God: Week 3 - A Trusting Heart

A Trusting Heart is built on a lifelong relationship.  The Bible says that "Love always trusts…" (1 Cor. 13:6-7) so we see that an intimate and loving relationship will also be characterized by a deep and unwavering trust in the other person.  

The dictionary defines trust as - a : assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something  b : one in which confidence is placed; connotation of dependence.  The dependency of a child upon his parents for everything comes to mind.  The child does not live in fear but with a confident expectation that his parents will take care of him no matter what.  In fact, the child never wonders or worries about the future because they are completely confident that their parents will take care of them and always be there for them.  Perhaps the greatest example of loving trust is that of a devoted and loving marriage which is essentially an intimate relationship built on unconditional love, commitment, and trust. These trust relationships are built and established over time.  Genuinely trusting someone almost always entirely leads to greater love, respect, commitment, devotion, and appreciation.  If a father encourages his child to jump off the side of the pool into the deep end ensuring the child he will catch him but the child does not jump - then the issue of mistrust lies with the child - not the Father.   The child's lack of trust and resulting fears overcome any possible level of trust he may have in his father's ability.  The issue of trust always lies with us -- not with our heavenly Father.  He never changes.  His faithfulness continues to every generation...His mercies are new every morning.  His character which is based on love and holiness is immutable and unchanging.  His love, faithfulness, and trustworthiness are the same today and forever.  

The bible says "What can separate us from the love of God in Christ?"  It's a rhetorical question.  The clear and indistinguishable answer Paul gives us is that ABSOLUTELY NOTHING can separate us from His love in Christ Jesus!  Period! This means that not only is God's character immutable and unchanging, but so are the promises in God's Word!  Therefore, God and his promises to you can always be trusted.  However, if we resist trusting in God - IF WE RESIST JUMPING OFF THE SIDE OF THE POOL INTO HIS ARMS AND LOVING EMBRACE (INTIMACY) - it is always an evidence of a lack of love on our part - rather than just simply fear of God not doing his part.  God does not give us a spirit of fear but of power, LOVE, and a sound mind!   

The issue is what do you believe about God - because what you believe determines everything about you!  Do you believe God is trustworthy or untrustworthy? -- faithful or indifferent toward your need and in keeping his promises? -- a brutal dictator or a loving Heavenly Father?  Your belief about your Heavenly Father and his character determines everything about your response to Him. 

     I submit to you that as you get to know Him more intimately you will not only come to understand His true loving character and his desire to bless you; you will not only love Him more intimately; but you will also come to trust Him more deeply on a heart level in every area of your life.  A loving, Christ-centered, and devoted heart will always result in a trusting heart.  Let me challenge you today to love and trust God with your whole heart, be 100% committed or devoted to Him in every area of your life, and be willing to JUMP into his arms when he says jump!  Be willing to obey Him any time he puts his finger on an un-surrendered area in your life -- be willing to do whatever He says.  You can trust Him even if it causes you pain and discomfort -- He wants to bless you -- He wants what is best for you!  So, trust Him and do exactly what He says and you will be blessed.  As you do this, you will not only demonstrate that you love Him and trust Him more deeply - but that you are also more fully submitted to His Lordship in all areas of your life.  He wants an intimate relationship with you, but He also knows that will not happen apart from your complete trust in Him and His Word.  Your intimacy with the Father will not go any deeper than your level of trust in Him.  You must grasp this powerful truth if you desire an intimate relationship with your Heavenly Father.  Will you trust Him completely in every area of your life?  He is calling you to embrace this secret of trust and allow this truth to liberate you from doubt and fear so you can intimately and closely walk with Him as privileged and beloved sons and daughters that you are.   The more you come to trust God for everything - and in everything regarding your life - the more passionate you will be about Him!

     Proverbs 3:5 - "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not upon your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths."

In HIS love,

Pastor Chad

Chadwick A. Stafford
Pastor of Worship Arts

South Metro Ministries
770-251-3777 x6 (w) 
919-906-5702 (m) 

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