Thursday, September 29, 2011

Worship Insights: The Names of God Series - El Shaddai

God was known especially to the Patriarchs in the Old Testament by his name "God Almighty", or in the Hebrew, El-Shaddai.  The name first appears in Genesis 17:1,2 where it is recorded, "And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, Jehovah appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am God Almighty (El Shaddai); walk before me, and be thou perfect.  And I will make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly."  This was the confirmation of a promise that God gave Abram in Genesis 12 where he promised to make him a great nation and multiply his seed as the dust of the earth and as the stars of the heavens.  Only an Almighty God could perform and accomplish this Herculian task.  Abraham was ninety nine years old and what God was promising was impossible in the natural, but nothing is too hard for Jehovah!  All things are possible with God!  Incidently, Abram's name was changed to Abraham with the revelation of God as El Shaddai, the Almighty God.

We must look at the two parts of this name to understand the meaning.  The word El itself is translated "God" over 200 times in the Bible.   Abraham, Moses, Isaiah, and Nehemiah referred to him as El.  Shaddai means "almighty" referring to the abundant might and power of God. It clearly implies that nothing can be beyond God's power.  Some scholars argue that the root meaning means strong, powerful, or to do violence, especially in the sense of one who is powerful enough to overturn the laws of nature.  This is indeed what happened with Abraham and Sarah.  The deadness of their bodies was overcome by the awesome power and might of God.  Nothing is impossible with God!  As we saw in the first name study, Elohim is the God who creates and sustains nature, but El-Shaddai is the God who commands and compels nature to do what is contrary to itself.

When God reveals himself to you as El-Shaddai, he reveals Himself by special deeds of power.  Has God ever revealed himself to you as El-Shaddai through special deeds of power.  He has for me on several occasions, but none more dramatically than when He, the El-Shaddai, reversed my son Benjamin's  irreversible diagnosis of autism and miraculously healed him defying the doctors, experts, and the state health department who all said it was impossible.  Glory to His almighty and all-powerful name!  Yes, with God all things are possible -- and this means El-Shaddai gets the final word!  Perhaps you need God to reveal Himself through some act or special deed of power...through a divine miracle of healing, provision, restoration, deliverance, or protection.  Whatever the case may be, in these instances El-Shaddai specializes in taking the impossible and the improbable making it possible by his mighty power.

You see, nothing in our lives is too hard for this Almighty God we serve!  All we need to do is call upon the name of El-Shaddai and invoke his all-powerful name in prayer and praise through faith and watch God work.  Maybe its a soured relationship, a backslidden son or daughter, a terminal illness, or a lengthy period of unemployment.  God can turn that seemingly impossible situation into a supernatural deliverance for you.  So don't give up...don't give in...and don't turn around!  Open your eyes and see Him high and lifted up shining in the light of his glorious power and might.  Worship at his feet and keep trusting, keep believing, and keep walking, keep serving, and keep praying in faith with your eyes upon Jesus the author and finisher of your faith.  El-Shaddai is able to do exceeding and abundantly above and beyond anything you can ask or imagine.  Ask God to reveal himself as El-Shaddai in the seeming impossible situations of your life and give him praise today for his excellent greatness and His mighty power!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Welcome to the SMM Worship & Arts Blog!!

Each month I will highlight worship truths from the Word of God including the views of various worship authors/ministers and highlight basic principles of worship which hopefully will enrich your own worship experiences and serve to empower your own personal devotion to the Lord. This fall, I will be high-lighting the names of God. The reason I have chosen this topic is because "worship begins with God"! Worship is a response of all that we are to all that God is and has done in our lives and throughout the history of man. In corporate worship, we gather to rejoice, remember, and respond to the Father's free gift of grace, pardon, and redemption through his Son Jesus Christ. This is at the heart of Christian worship, and as such, worship becomes a response to the revelation of who God is. In order to better understand the "how and why" of worship, we need to understand "Who" we worship so we can adequately respond to His revelation with both our hearts and with the full understanding of our minds. Worship is not meant to be strictly an emotional experience, but also a cognitive and spiritual experience. 

The prophet Hosea declares that it is for lack of knowledge that God's people often perish. In order to worship in spirit and in truth, we need to more fully "understand" the truth about God so we can truthfully respond to the revelation of himself. This presents one of the greatest challenges to the church today. Often times, we worship ignorantly or without knowledge of why, how, or who we worship. As a result, our worship takes on a mundane, boring, ritualistic, or religious feel of just going through the motions because no one really understands the significance or importance of the worship event which is tied to history. So, who is this God we worship anyway? The Apostle Paul said, "Oh, that I may 'know' Him!", but how can we really know someone personally if we don't even know their name. The God we worship goes by many names because no one name can fully disclose the fullness and majesty of who God really is. So, each week we will take a look at a different name for God which helps to reveal more clearly who He is to us so that we may worship Him more perfectly and so that we may come to know Him better.


  1. We value the presence and glory of God among us in corporate worship.
  2. We value honest worship of God in Spirit and in truth.
  3. We value lifting up the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, acknowledging that there is no other name by which men may be saved.
  4. We value serving with excellence in everything we do for the glory of God.
  5. We value the commitment of our time, talent, and treasure so that we may bring glory to God.
  6. We value freedom in worship and the joy that comes from being in His presence.
  7. We value times of refreshing where the Holy Spirit is poured out upon His people in worship and the church is revived. 
  8. We value the edifying ministry of worship and music that builds up the Body of Christ.
  9. We value anointed prophetic ministry of music and song that establishes an atmosphere of faith and praise where God can meet with his people.
  1. We value responding to God in thanksgiving and praise for who He is and what He has done.
  2. We value expressing our heart-felt love and adoration to God through times of intimate worship.  
  3. We value teaching and instruction of the Word of God in song, drama, and visual arts. 
  4. We value the expressed spiritual gifts given by the Holy Spirit for the edification of the Body of Christ. 
  5. We value relationships as well as ongoing fellowship and service to one another evidenced by a spirit of unity, brotherly love, and mutual respect.

   15.  We value both community outreach and global evangelism.

   16.  We value worship as a lifestyle lived out in ongoing fellowship with a continual awareness of the presence of God in all of life.  

         These above values were rehearsed this past weekend at our fall choir retreat 

        and represent the foundation upon which our ministry vision and purpose will be built upon as we move forward together.

Chadwick A. Stafford
Worship Arts Pastor
South Metro Ministries 
770-251-3777 x6 (w) 
919-906-5702 (m) 

Posted By Blogger to South Metro Worship Arts Ministries at 9/20/2011 12:54:00 PM

Cast Your Care Upon Him

Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me. Psalm 50:15

A Time to Think

Prayer may not change things for you, but it for sure changes you for things.—Samuel Shoemaker

A Time to Act

Pray and release your worries.

A Time to Pray

Lord, never let my worries break my connection to You.

Monday, September 19, 2011


A Christian's Greatest Gift: A Fully Yielded Heart

John 15:5 – "I am the vine – you are the branches; If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit."

His promise reminds that if we stay connected to Him – if we remain close – he will fill our lives with the fullness of his Spirit and power for Christian living and service.

Why can't we seem to connect with God like others? Is there something wrong with me?  Do I have a deep character flaw or spiritual defect?


The Relational Pathway

Doing the Christian life alone for these types is a major downer.  These types thrive on relationship. 

Small groups, bible study groups, accountability partnerships.

The Intellectual Pathway

These types thrive and are able to make significant spiritual progress when their minds are fully engaged. 

These folks can't have devotions without two or three commentaries, bibles, and devotional books.

They gravitate toward classes, conferences, seminars, and special events that challenge and engage their minds.

These types know their hearts will never fully engage until their minds are filled with truth.  When this happens, nothing can stop them. 

Ex. Martin Luther, John Calvin, Lee Strobel, and Chuck Colson

Once their minds are fully convinced, their hearts and will quickly follow and their convictions are rock solid.

Romans 12:2 – be transformed by the renewing of your minds

The Serving Pathway

These types feel closest to God when they are serving God.  Some are thinkers and some are doers – those on the serving pathway are doers.

They feel the closest to God when they are helping to accomplish the work of God.


The Contemplative Pathway

These types guard their calendars closely for over-activity and are drained by relationships and activities. 

They can spend almost unlimited time in solitude.  Give them a Bible and a good piece of literature and they can disappear for days.

They can spend hours reflecting on God's goodness and the deep things of God.  They have enormous capacity for prayer and private worship. 

They are sensitive types who are sensitive to the working and activity of God.

Can tend to take things more seriously than others and seem out of step with the group.

They often serve as the conscious of the faith community calling us to ministries of compassion and inclusiveness. 

Tend to be idealistic and have rich inner worlds.  Can seem scattered at times but are really incubating creative ideas.

These types need to protect their thought life. 

The Activist Pathway

These types are best at a speed of Mach 2.  They are happiest when they are white knuckled and gasping for breath. 

These types need a highly challenging environment that pushes them to the edge of their potential.  This is when they feel closest to God.

                  They choose a fast pace – they love riding rockets. 

                  Ex. George Whitefield, John Wesley, and D.L. Moody

                  These types get a tremendous amount of work done.

The Creation Pathway

These people feel closest and relate to God best when they are surrounded by nature.  They are the naturalists, the tree-huggers, and green believers.

                  They come alive when they are outdoors next to nature. 

Ask them where they would prefer to be for their devotions?  It's a no brainer!


The Worship Pathway

These types feel closest to God when worshipping God through music.  They love to play CD's in their cars and their homes all the time because they feel the closeness of God this way. 

                  Their favorite book of the Bible is the Psalms!

                  Ex. – David felt closer to God and most fully alive when he was worshiping. 

These types should be intentional about cultivating a spirit of worship in their week.

Now What?

1.    Identify your pathway(s)

It is possible to have more than one but most a primary pathway.

Resist the temptation to compare your pathway with other pathways.


2.    Lean into your pathway

Try it on for size.  Fill your life with friendships and activities that help you grow.

Whether serving, worship, or intellectual stimulation feeds your soul practice it regularly!

As you do, you will establish and maintain a deeper walk with God than you've ever known before.

3.    Appreciate all the pathways

Experiment with other pathways once in a while to stretch yourself in different ways toward God.

People who like to serve should occasionally read intellectually stimulating material.

Contemplatives should occasionally come out of their corners and serve with the relational types.

To maximize your growth, lean into your best way of connecting with God, but then begin experimenting with each of the others.

4.    Design a Spiritual Formation Plan

Finally, Design a spiritual formation plan that focuses on developing and growing along your unique pathway to God. 


Chadwick A. Stafford
Worship Arts Pastor
South Metro Ministries 
770-251-3777 x6 (w) 
919-906-5702 (m)