Thursday, July 28, 2011

What is "revival" and did we experience it?

"An evangelical revival is an extraordinary work of God in which Christians repent of their sins as they become intensely aware of his presence in their midst, and they manifest a positive response to God in renewed obedience to the known will of God, resulting in both a deepening of their individual and corporate experience with God, and an increased concern to win others to Christ." (E. Towns)

Historically, true revivals result in an extraordinary work of God in individual lives, an increased awareness of God's presence, and significant evangelistic outreach and harvest of souls as a result of a church that has been revived.  
So, let me ask you...did we experience "revival" during this week's camp-meeting? I hope your answer is a resounding "yes"!!!  This is not meant to be rhetorical.  We must answer this question honestly before God for ourselves.  If we did not experience personal revival and renewal we should be honest enough with ourselves to ask why not?  Was it sin...Satan...or a sorry disposition?  

God undoubtedly spoke to us corporately and individually through this week's revival, so we should see each nights message as a "word in a sentence" to us!   Each night God was communicating something uniquely to us in that moment, but also in such a way that fits into a larger context for our lives and church.  In other words, all the messages tie together to form a thought or series of thoughts God is trying to convey to us through his prophets.  For instance, "get in the boat", "get out of the boat", and "get the spirit of Tobiah out of your life and the church"!

My prayer is that you experienced God's life-changing presence in new, challenging, and powerful ways that you will not soon forget!  My prayer is that you have examined your life for the "Spirit of Tobiah" and cast it out wherever you find it!  My prayer is that we will put into action anything the Holy Spirit challenges us on - knowing that God will bless and reward our obedience!  My prayer is that our personal revival will continue and that we will experience even greater dimensions of his glory and life-changing presence resulting in new and lasting spiritual fruit, divinely re-ordered priorities, and a renewed passion for reaching lost souls while there is still time.

Hallelujah, Thine the glory - Hallelujah Amen - Hallelujah, Thine the glory - Revive us again! ...  
until ...  "Every house is a temple, every heart an altar, and every human being a priest!"  (Moritz Lazarus) 

Pastor Chad

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