Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Worship Leading In The Spotlight

Stay Focused While Leading Worship

Due to the rise of popularity in "worship music" as a radio genre, leading worship has been romanticized to the point that we expect it to be a completely sublime arena experience, where we as leaders are transported from our solid human form into a vapor floating around in the heavenly places, only to condense back into solid form after "worship" is over, metaphorically speaking, of course. While that might happen sometimes, more often here in the real world, it is like spinning plates while riding a unicycle. We're usually just trying to keep our balance while keeping all of the elements of worship from crashing to the floor.

Obviously, the larger a program gets, the more elements we have to complicate the worship experience: congregation, pastor, tech, singers, choir, band, banners, dancers, etc., etc. On top of all this, we still have to be sensitive to God and the movement of the Holy Spirit or we'll miss the point altogether. With all of these things going on, the natural tendency is to let our focus shift each time something happens that requires our attention: a singer or player is out of tune, the drummer is rushing, or the graphics person is on the wrong slide. A former pastor of mine once said, "No matter how hard we try to keep him out, Murphy always finds a way show up."

Not all complications are bad, however. There can be some exceptional musical, visual, or even technical moments that, if we're not careful, can also distract our focus from the sublime worship experience we desire.

In my experience, there is no way to avoid being distracted by elements that vie for our attention. After all, we are human beings entrusted with divine responsibility. In order to stay "centered", however, we must:
  1. Understand that leading worship is a service unto the Lord. The needs of the corporate body are more important than our own worship experience. Worship leadership is a priestly (ministry to God), pastoral (caring and shepherding people), and prophetic role (communicating God's truths to people). We, as worship leaders, sometimes have to set aside our own notions and desires in order to serve our pastor and our local congregation.
  2. Understand that the weekly service should not be our first and last encounter with God for the week.Our daily time in personal worship should be the map we use to lead the people of God to the throne of God. When that personal time is lacking, we can easily find ourselves groping around in the dark, looking for the door to the throne room, all the while tripping over the trappings of worship, but not really worshiping.
Obviously, we have all experienced those times when God has blessed our worship in spite of our lack of preparation. However, we should try to error on the side of preparation, both musically and spiritually, as if it were possible to error in that direction. Our attitude should be like that of David when he said, "I will not sacrifice to the LORD my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing." (2 Sam 24:24)

1 comment:

  1. Pastor Chad, thank you so much for sharing your expectations for us in staying focused during ministry and worship. It is so easy for each of us to be distracted by even the slightest noise or movement. When we are distracted, we cause those in the congregation to become off focus. When we are busy with our purses, our robes, opening cough drops, or other busyness that seems insignificant, we are a distraction just because of where we are seated. As individuals we often don't recognize that these things are distractions. The leading pastor or teacher at the time senses this at a greater level. Thank you for reminding me of my need as a choir and band member to be careful. I do not want EVER for my behavior to cause someone to miss Christ and I always want my worship to be pure. To God be the glory!
