Friday, February 15, 2013

VOP Easter Rehearsal Tomorrow

Easter choir rehearsal
Location: CWC 2nd floor
Child care provided
Enter at front atrium entrance
Bring your Easter choir books

See you then!

Pastor Chad

Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Powerful Purpose of Praise!

Four Powerful Principles of Praise:

1) Praise is what we do when we come into His courts - In the OT worshippers always came before God with a sacrifice.  We are admonished by Paul to offer our bodies as living sacrifices as reasonable worship.  You never come before a king without a gift or sacrifice of some kind.  Praise is something we bring before God when we come into His presence and before His throne. (Psalm 100)

Psalm 100
4 Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and a thank offering and into His courts with praise! Be thankful and say so to Him, bless and affectionately praise His name!
5 For the Lord is good; His mercy and loving-kindness are everlasting, His faithfulness and truth endure to all generations.
Amplified Bible (AMP)

2) Praise creates an atmosphere or environment for the presence of the Lord to come and abide.  He said that He inhabits, or is holy enthroned upon the praises of Zion.   This is the realm of His abiding presence.  GOD DWELLS IN PRAISE!  This is the place of His holy habitation and the atmosphere of heaven where God dwells.  When we praise we bring heaven down to earth and God says, "This reminds me of home...I think I will come down for a visit!"

3) Praise in scripture is an offensive weapon that is often employed in battle.  Praise is an instrument of war.  It is “high praise” not “high worship” that executes judgment written in God’s Word (Ps. 149:6-9).   Praise is aggressive whereas worship is submissive and more sensitive.

Ps. 149:6-9  
6 May the praise of God be in their mouths and a double-edged sword in their hands,
7  to inflict vengeance on the nations and punishment on the peoples,
8  to bind their kings with fetters, their nobles with shackles of iron,
9 to carry out the sentence written against them. This is the glory of all his saints. Praise the LORD.

4) Praise is an act of faith and obedience.  Extolling the Lord in spite of how we feel and circumstances that exist.  We praise first and the feelings follow.  (Ex. Paul & Silas)  Principle:  We praise in faith and God inhabits our praises and the atmosphere changes and breakthrough miracles are possible in His presence!

We choose to "praise" in faith -- we do not wait until we feel "it"!

Psalm 34:1
I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.

Psalm 7:2 
I will give to the Lord the thanks due to His rightness and justice, and I will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High.

Psalm 9:2
I will sing with joy because of you...    I will sing praise to you, Almighty God.

Psalm 13:6
I will sing to the Lord, because He has dealt bountifully with me.

Psalm 30:12 
To the end that my tongue and my heart and everything glorious within me may sing praise to You and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks to You forever.

Psalm 57:7
My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is steadfast and confident! I will sing and make melody.

Psalm 57:9
I will praise and give thanks to You, O Lord, among the peoples; I will sing praises to You among the nations.

Praise is a matter of "will" ... not "feel"!  Praise Him anyhow saints!!

Spring Auditions & Solo Assignments

Spring solo audition results and final decisions will be made this coming week and posted by next Wednesday evening, February 13th.

Announcements - February 7, 2013



Sundays  & Wednesdays – All choir and worship team members please continue to park in back lot exclusively.  Allow an extra 5 minutes to arrive  to rehearsals on time.  As mentioned last week, please demonstrate an attitude of respect and humility toward parking lot attendants as is fitting for anyone calling themselves Christians, especially those involved in platform ministry.

3.  PROCEDURE - COMMENTS  DIRECTED TO MEDIA TEAM:  All choir members are asked to direct any concerns regarding sound or projection to me or Trunicia Rainwater.  Avoid making comments to the multi-media team members going forward.  Again, let us demonstrate respect, humility, and the fruit of the Spirit when addressing fellow ministry members whether choir, band, media team, or pastoral staff.

4.  NEW MEMBERS’ JOINING TONIGHT SHOULD PICK UP ALL MUSIC BEFORE LEAVING TONIGHT!:  This includes:  The Winter/Spring Study CD,  Easter Musical Study CD, Easter sectional CD, and an Easter choral book.  

•       Easter Solo Auditions – February 13 & 20
•       Auditions held between 6:30-7:00pm (sign up on the solo audition sheet tonight for next Wednesday auditions!!

Sectionals will take place in the following rooms:
Bass/Tenor – Puppet Room  // Sopranos – Conference Room  //  Altos – Room A103

7.  SUNDAY MORNING REHEARSAL: Thanks for those making the effort!  We still need work in this area.  More of you need to get up and out earlier so you can be on time.  As a member your commitment includes being on time on Sunday mornings.  Please be on time at 8:00am for rehearsal.  Park in back lot, but if you have to park further out please allow necessary additional time to be in the choir loft on time.  We need to improve punctuality in the Sunday morning rehearsal.  Thank you for your cooperation!

8.  CHOIR PROCESSION: Be aware that the choir will soon begin marching in through the center door entrance once the old choir room has been taken out.

9.  CHOIR ATTIRE IN NEW BUILDING:  Due to budget constraints we will be going to coordinated dress in the new building.  In the meantime, we will continue to use the current choir robes in the current worship facility until that time.  More details later as we approach that time!

10. REMINDER REGARDING SUNDAY MORNING FOOD:  Please remember that food is not being provided for children of choir members.  Some children have continued to come down for food.  Parents, please communicate the new guideline with your children.

11.  SECTIONALS:  Food will not be made available after 2nd service music so please disrobe and make your way to sectionals as quickly as possible following second service so we can make the most of our time at sectional rehearsals.    

12.  SATURDAY EASTER CHOIR REHEARSALS:  Please mark your calendars for the following important rehearsal dates:  Saturday, February 16th and March 23rd  from 10-12pm.  March 30th – 9am-12noon dress rehearsal.  Childcare will be available.

13.  BIRTHDAYS:  HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL BIRTHDAY PEEPS THIS WEEK and ANY WE MAY HAVE MISSED LAST WEEK!!! We wish you love and blessings on your special day and pray God’s very best this year and many, many more birthdays to come!!!

Setting Up Text Notifications via Planning Center

I wanted to make you aware that you can receive instant messaging from planning center by setting up text notification in your planning center account.  Some people may be charged extra for texts in their phone plan so this may not appeal, but those who have unlimited texting this is a great feature I would encourage you to take advantage of.  It only takes a minute or two to set up online. Please copy and paste the following URL link to your browser and go.  It will take you to the simple and easy tutorial page that tells you how to set up your own text notification with planning center.  This will help me to more effectively communicate with you all and give you instant messaging on any important announcements or schedule changes, etc. 
Pastor Chad

This Week's Ministry Prayer Needs!


“But you, dear friends, build up yourselves in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit.” 
(Jude 20) 

Please join me in remembering the following in need of prayer:

Legenna Mitchell (friend of Windy T.) – tumors on brain – in pain and suffering from depression.  Please pray for miracles.
Ellon Love’s uncle Donald McClendon and father, Dillon Meacham, and family – pray for peace, comfort, and strength following the passing of her aunt yesterday. The viewing will be Thursday 6-8pm with funeral on Friday at 2pm at Hillcrest in Newnan.
Tiffany Moss (Deborah’s daughter) – Diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy.  Let’s believe for her complete healing and restoration.
Toni Teagle – pray for health and healing
Adriana Bocanegra (Candy’s cousin) – dialysis and stroke – healing and strength and comfort for family.
Priscilla Stone – Continued healing following sickness
Leah Dickerson – Philana Stafford’s sister – doctors have discovered a very serious congenital heart condition that will require major high-risk surgery to repair.  Please pray for physical protection, wisdom for doctors, and a miraculous surgery.
Helen Rogers – Rick Farmer’s grandmother – very ill and suffering from worsening dementia
Farmer family – wisdom, healing, and provision
Mirriam’s mother – freedom from fear
Kim Smith (Richard’s Ex-wife) – CVA – recovering at home
Windy Teaster – family
Kijafa Townes – kidneys
Joseph (Jo-Jo) Stafford - miracle of healing within brain and body
Valerie Mathura – miracle of healing
Melissa – Registered Nurse – special need
Don & Cynthia Harris - special grace, wisdom, and strength in caring for parents.
Susan Rogers - healing of her body