Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Spring 2013 Choral Music

If you haven't picked up a study CD be sure to pick up a Spring 2013 choral study CD, please do so by this Wednesday or Sunday!  You will be inspired to heights of praise and depths of worship with these 12 new glorious songs of praise featuring a number of new dynamic and powerful songs from the latest Prestonwood project called THREHOLD OF GLORY such as the title track as well as "Standing", "Lion of Judah", and "This Blood"!!

JESUS SAVES - our latest Easter Worship Musical which will be presented Easter morning, March 31st in an unforgettable  celebration of this singular and eternal truth ... that Jesus Saves!  JESUS SAVES features 13 glorious and fully orchestrated songs such as the title track as well as "To The King", "Do It Lord", "My Inheritance", "The Mercy Seat", "I Am Persuaded", "In Christ Alone", and "Victory In Jesus".  This awesome musical will be presented by our combined youth and adult sanctuary choirs.  

Sectional rehearsals are held every Sunday from now until March 24th.  See the below announcements for locations.  Solo auditions will be held on February 13 & 20th.  Sign up this week if interested! Choral books are being assigned now in sectional rehearsals.  You may check out one this coming Sunday.  Sectional CD's will be made available this Sunday morning at sectional rehearsals.  Be sure to pick up one and being listening.  The sectional CD's will greatly assist you in learning your parts.  Blessings and Enjoy!

Christ is Risen!!

Pastor Chad

Monday, January 28, 2013

The Lord Is Our Immovable Rock!

Let me encourage you today from the word of the Lord.  If you are feeling weak or in need of renewed strength, here is a word for you that I was blessed to receive in prayer this morning from Psalm 18:2.
"The Lord is my Rock, my fortress, and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold." 
This was part of a song David sung after God delivered him from the hand of Saul.  Imagine yourself as David being on the run from his enemies who were seeking to harm and destroy him.  David found a hiding place somewhere high in a rocky crag in the side of a hill that became a refuge for him.  Saul was unable to find David on this occasion because he was hid inside the rock!  Selah...now that will preach! This no doubt began David thinking about the correlation of his present hiding place with his God which became the inspiration for his song of praise.  
Couple of points you should notice.  1) There is a hiding place in God that will be a refuge to you in fearful times.  2) Jesus is the Rock and when you hide yourself in Him - the enemy who is seeking whom he may devour will be unable to find you. So hide yourself in Him today.  When you make God your hiding place the enemy can not find you -- all he sees is the Rock (Jesus Christ) in whom you are hiding.  3) We too can sing a song of deliverance when we hide ourselves in God in Christ because God is able to do for you what he did for David.  He is the same yesterday, today, and forever!  When under attack these are the times we are most tempted to stop praising and start complaining.  Do not allow the Devil to steal your praise ... even when you are under attack!  God is still God and He will be faithful to deliver you if you will run to Him and hide yourself in Him!  This is the time to "beli eve again" and "lift up your hands" just as we sang about yesterday.  This is the time to declare "Thus saith the Lord" and stand upon His Word!  "Only be strong and courageous...do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:6-9, 18)
Now, read Psalm 18:2 again.  This is one of those occasions that is okay to "run and hide".  Run to Him and hide yourself in the Rock! As you do, realize that God is your hiding place from the storms of life and from the attacks of the enemy.  He will be your shield, fortress, deliverer, and salvation.  He is an immovable and unshakeable Rock -- A mighty fortress is our God and a bulwark never failing! Only look to and trust in Him today.
"He is my loving God and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield, in whom I take refuge" (Psalm 144:2)
Grace and peace to you in Christ Jesus,
Pastor Chad