Monday, May 21, 2012

Upcoming Worship Arts Ministry News & Events!

Julian Drive Leading SMM in Worship:  Join us Sunday, July 1st as Julian Drive leads South Metro Ministries in worship during both morning worship services.

Father's Day Men's Choir:  We are looking forward to our men leading us in worship on Father's Day!  We are looking for a few good men to join us for the Father's Day Men's Choir which is open to all fathers and sons age 12 and up.  Our goal is to have as many men and young men as we had ladies in the Mother's Day Choir, so please sign up by Sunday, June 3rd in the foyer!  Sign up dates are May 27th and June 3rd.  Rehearsals will take place on Wednesdays, June 6 & 13th.  The men's choir will lead in worship on Father's Day, June 17th for both services!  Sign up this week men of God!!

Upcoming Senior Adult Worship!  Coming up on June 10th our senior adult choir called the South Metro Heritage Singers will be leading the congregation in songs of our heritage.  Make plans to join us for this exciting morning at 9 & 11am!

Sanctuary Choir Sabbatical:  The Voices of Praise (sanctuary choir) will be off for several weeks  starting June 6 going thru July 8.  During this period the choir will not rehearse or sing on Sundays.  However, the worship team will continue to rehearse and lead worship during this period.  This is a period of rest for a very busy ten months of choral work, also a reprieve as we prepare for another full year of ministry.  Rest well and come back refreshed and ready to prepare for summer revival and fall recruitment coming up in August!

Memorial Day Recognition: This coming Sunday, May 27th, we will be recognizing the fallen heroes in our "Freedom Isn't Free" recognition service.  Make plans to join us at 9 & 11am!  The ROTC color guard from East Coweta High School will be joining us.  We will also feature patriotic music such as God Bless The USA.

Graduation Recognition:  This past Sunday we recognized the 2012 graduates.  The choir sang "Find Your Wings" by Mark Harris and ministered "I Feel The Joy" prior to the message.  A great morning of worship!

Mother's Day Ladies Choir:  On Mother's Day we had a 70 voice ladies choir that did a fantastic job under the direction of Dr. Valerie Mathura!  Thanks to all the mothers and daughters who participated -- can't wait 'til next year!!

Praise Devotional by Derek Prince

All Creatures Praise the Lord

Psalm 115:17-18
The dead do not praise the LORD, nor do any who go down into silence; but as for us, we will bless the LORD from this time forth and forever. Praise the Lord! NASB

The Bible exhorts every area of creation and every kind of creature to praise the Lord. The Bible exhorts the heavens, the earth, the sea, the forests, the rocks. There is nothing that should not praise the Lord.

It speaks about all kinds of creatures – flying creatures, creatures in the sea, crawling creatures, cattle, wild beasts. It speaks about all the states of the human race – kings, princes, young men, old men, maidens, children – all are exhorted to praise the Lord.

In fact, there’s only just one category of people that do not praise the Lord. Do you know who that is? The dead. Only the dead do not praise the Lord.

My dear friend, if you do not praise the Lord, do you know what your problem is? You are one of the dead. Not necessarily physically dead, but spiritually dead. Come alive. Begin to praise the Lord. The more you praise the Lord, the more joy and spiritual life you’ll experience. Begin to praise Him right now.

- Derek Prince